Saturday, January 31, 2009

The waiting is the hardest part or FACE/OFF

hiya. . .sittin in a coffee shop in the good ole EL. . .things are clicking right along for the tour. . .my checklist is now done. . .drums sent, sticks received, cymbals ordered and new peeps met and "brought into the loop" now its time to wrap my brain around the fact that i'm gonna be away form home and loved ones for quite awhile. . .this is always the part of touring that seems to take the longest to reconcile within yourself no matter how many times you do it. . .i'm actually listening to the new record as i type this and it seems alien to think of these songs being played live. . .though i can't wait to do that. . .i absolutely love hearing/watching the songs change and take on a new shape live and i feel that this time we really have a group of folks going with us who are gonna be just as interested in watching that happen as we are. . .

man i'm full of hot-air. . .

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